Benjamin had a birthday.

He took his friend, Theo to Big Al's for bowling and had so much fun!

Sarah went to her very first football game. She got to go with her two favorite friends, Erica and Ember to a BSU game. I text Sarah during the game to ask her if she was having fun. She texted me back that she thinks football is a very confusing sport, but I think she had a good time with her friends!

Andrew got braces.

Grandma and Grandpa invited Levi over to spend a morning with them. Levi built the coolest toys with Grandpa. He loved that he got his very own screwdriver to help him build the toys. Grandma and Levi made the yummiest chocolate and peanut butter bars.
Levi loved having his very own special time with Grandma and Grandpa and told his siblings all about it when he got home.

Andrew played in several futsal games. He loves playing futsal even more than playing soccer. He scored at least once in every game. I know these are crummy pictures, but he doesn't stop moving long enough for me to get a good one.

Levi had a Thanksgiving Feast at preschool. He helped make bread, butter and mashed potatoes for the feast. He liked all of the food, even the smoked trout.

Spencer was awarded the Compassionate Award at school. His classmates voted for him to receive this award because they saw his desire to collect as much food for their class's food drive. He went several times through the neighborhood collecting food for the drive and asked if I could buy some as well. When he took the food to school he shared with his classmates who hadn't brought in the 30 food items that their teacher had challenged them to bring in instead of adding them to his total. He truly is a compassionate boy.

We got some snow one morning so Benjamin and a friend made a snowman and Spencer and a friend made a snow chair.

Nathan put the lights up at Levi's preschool.

Nathan decorated two trees this year for the Festival of Trees. He did a wonderful job decorating them both.
This one that he decorated for St Al's Medical Group was awarded "Best of Show". It was truly amazing! Can you see the dock that he made for the tree to sit on? It sold for $2000.

This was the other tree he decorated for Icons of Idaho. It sold for $1500.

At the Festival of Trees, all of the decorations in the lobby of the Grove were themed around "A Fresh Cut Tree". I absolutely loved it!

We drove to Bend to enjoy the Thanksgiving week with Nonnie. Nonnie always tries to have fun activities for us to do when we come and visit. This time was no different.
We had a most delicious Thanksgiving meal.

We decorated gingerbread houses.

We watched the Christmas parade in Sisters.

The big kids went and did archery while Levi went to a bounce house place (yet he wouldn't take one step into a bounce house - he just played with the toys there). The big kids all LOVED archery. In fact, they enjoyed it so much they went the next day and are now asking Santa to bring them a bow and arrows for Christmas.

So many things to be grateful for this month! We are SO very blessed!
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