I just found a bunch of pictures on Nathan's phone so take another look at this post!! I've included pictures from Nathan's grandma's funeral.
We've been plenty busy the past few months. Here are a few of the things that we captured with pictures.
Sarah, Andrew and I drove to Bend one Thursday evening in March to see Sophie and Alexa play a basketball game the next day. We completely surprised them by sneaking into their house while they were at school and leaving them a Good Luck basket.

They won and went onto play in the state playoffs.

Sarah, Andrew and Spencer had a piano recital and everyone did fabulous!

Benjamin was awarded the Perseverance award at school because of his hard work in reading. Way to go, Benjamin!!

Spencer sang in a choir concert at Boise High School with several other schools.

Our Spring was absolutely beautiful and our flowers were the best we've ever had!

Benjamin got to meet and hold Ryland, his 1st grade teacher's new baby boy. What a treat!!

Levi's been doing soccer with Coach Steve and he LOVES it!

Benjamin has had a great season of soccer! He's made many goals and makes a great goalie.

Levi found this air pump in the garage one day and became a scuba diver for several days. He has a great imagination!

Andrew went out for track and did SUPER! He got many ribbons and went on to Regionals.

Spencer made a video about using reusable bags for Earth day. He also made a video for a book report. He may go into acting soon.

Nathan loves having Fridays off so he can do fun things like wash windows.

We celebrated Kaden's birthday with him at Big Al's. We bowled and ate delicious pizza and nachos.

Spencer participated in his Cub pack's Pinewood Derby.

He got the Best Sports Theme Award with his BYU car.

He took 2nd place overall! Way to go, Spencer!!!

Spencer participated in his final Choir performance for the school year. He really enjoyed Choir this year and did great!

Nathan and Andrew went to Utah for General Conference weekend and attended two sessions - Saturday morning and Priesthood.

Levi got to go to a very fun princess and pirate birthday party for his preschool friend, Ella.

Nathan's sweet grandma passed away and we attended her funeral on April 4. She was 93 had lived such a full life. We are grateful that we were able to celebrate her birthday with her last December. She was a woman of so many talents and had a strong testimony of the Gospel. We will always appreciate her example of love and hard-working. Nathan did ALL of the flowers for the service. He made the casket piece, an arrangement from her 10 children, one from the grandchildren and another one from the great-grandchildren. The service was amazing and it was wonderful to have so many family members there to celebrate her life. The small town of Wendell was wonderful to feed our family of over 175 after the service. I heard that they didn't have to make one phone call asking for food for the luncheon as everyone in town loved Grandma Sarah and when they heard she had passed away, they called offering to bring food for her family.

We love our fun and busy life!!