Five Cute Kids

Five Cute Kids

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Back to School

I love almost everything that goes with going back to school in the fall. I love shopping for school supplies. I love hearing the funny dreams our kids have about the first day of school. I love shopping for new shoes and clothes. I love getting to bed earlier and I love getting back on a schedule. Don't get me wrong. I will miss the carefree, fun-filled summer days with our kids, but I do love sharpening pencils, filling backpacks and the challenge of making delicious lunches and nutritious breakfasts every day.
I'm happy to say that everyone was happy and excited for the first day. Andrew and Spencer were up especially early as they're both doing early morning seminary this year. Andrew is at Boise High seminary and drives himself and Spencer is at the Duncan Ln. building and Nathan drives him every day (BLESS HIM!!!).

The youngers could have slept in, but were awake when the big boys left. They were SO excited! I'm very grateful that all of our kids love school!

I love our tradition of talking about the first day of school while eating chocolate chip cookies (frozen dough per request from these boys). It almost makes me feel that I was with them.

This year felt different, of course, because Sarah wasn't here. Thank goodness she knows how passionate I am with traditions and truly how much this picture would mean to me, so she had a roommate snap this picture and send it to me on her first day. I miss her something fiercely but am over-the-moon happy for her that she is SO VERY happy at college!!

Sure do love these cute kids of ours and their love of learning! Here's to a great year!!
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