They all had Valentine's parties at school. This was Sarah's Valentine's box. She had to make her box as something that pertains to her "living museum person" (which is Annie Sullivan...more on that later) or a National Monument, so she chose to do it on Annie.

Andrew created his Valentine's "box" with his K'Nex. He got MANY compliments on it!

Spencer made his Valentine's envelope at school. (I love when they make them at school!!)

Benjamin had his preschool party last Thursday and had so much fun getting Valentine's from his friends.

Levi loved the day because it was warm enough for him to play outside...his favorite past time these days!

Then our dad got home with a surprise for everyone....a new bike for himself.

He found it on craigslist for half the price of a new one and it had only been ridden TWICE ever!!! I am absolutely THRILLED as it means we are a BIKING FAMILY since Spencer can now ride and the two youngest can both fit in the trailer. (Well, I guess only sort of as you can see Benj's feet sticking out. But, it will work for this year until he can learn to ride on his own.)

We had to take a ride and feel the LOVE of being a BIKING FAMILY!!!