Five Cute Kids

Five Cute Kids

Wednesday, November 9, 2016


Benjamin hit the double digits this year as he turned 10! He got an iPod Nano, Splatoon Wii game, a ton of Infinity guys and money from grandparents, Nonnie and cousins. He asked for pancakes with buttermilk syrup and sausage for breakfast. Since his birthday was on a Sunday, it was a pretty relaxed and quiet day. He asked for soup for dinner and we were lucky enough to have the sister missionaries over. Benjamin requested a donut cake with cookie dough ice cream for dessert.

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Ten terrific things about Benjamin...

...he loves electronics!!

...he has a kind soul!

...he talks all the time but we found out that he doesn't at school, so that's good!

...he loves listening to music!

...he is a hard worker! He always gets his Saturday chores done first.

...he LOVES any type of soup!

...he is a talented piano player!

...he is a great basketball and flag football player!

...he is SUPER tall!!

...he is ALWAYS happy!!!

Happy, Happy Birthday, Benjamin! We're so grateful you're a part of our family!

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